When working on projects, you typically need to invest a lot of initial effort to set up an automated build and release process by configuring the CI/CD pipelines. In this blog, we will learn how to create a Build pipeline and push the docker image to Azure Container Registry (ACR) by using Azure DevOps and how to… Continue reading How to Deploy Application in Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure DevOps
Exception handling is one of the most important part of any application that needs to be addressed and implemented properly. With ASP.NET Core, things have changed and are in better shape to implement exception handling. Implementing exception handling for every action method in API, is quite time-consuming and requires extra efforts. So, in this post,… Continue reading Global Exception Handling – ASP.Net Core Web APIs
GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) Third Generation is a language model. Open AI presented it in a pioneering paper ‘Language Models Are Few Short Learners’ in May 2020. Introduction GPT-3 is a machine learning model build to achieve solid and accurate results on various natural language benchmarks. When it was introduced to the tech world, it… Continue reading What Is GPT-3, And How Does It Help Progress Our AI Journey?
The importance of real-time business intelligence and analytics We as human beings make around 35000 decisions in a day. Not surprisingly we expect our data to perform in a manner that empowers businesses to make sound decisions based on logic and calculations. The need for data to enable decision making is not new. However, the… Continue reading Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB and Dataverse
To start off discussing what we can do with data, we first need clarity on what exactly big data is. Gartner in its description says, Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and/or high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process automation. The important part of this description… Continue reading Apache Spark 3.3.0 on Azure Synapse Analytics
Just imagine how much error-prone, repetitive, and time-consuming it would be to extract data manually from various sources/documents, which might also impact the entire business process. Let’s consider a use case where the power of Amazon Textract can be harnessed. “A transportation agency maintains all registration and transportation in paper-based documents. With the growth of the number… Continue reading Amazon Textract Service – Extract text, data and forms from documents
Data is the single source of truth for businesses that wish to retain customers by continuous exhilaration. Today, because of IoT, mobility and cloud technologies, data sources have increased and data, both structured and unstructured, from on-premises and multiple clouds continues to pour into organizations. This data is often stored in disparate sources, i.e. file… Continue reading Data Fabric – Modernizing Data Integration to Deliver Business Value
Nerve cells in the brain control all our functions, thoughts, emotions and so forth. To summarize they define who or what we are. However, even more important than nerve cells are the junction between two nerve cells and unless these junctions or pathways are connected there would be resultant dysfunctionalities and chaos. This functionality or… Continue reading Azure Synapse Pathway – The Pathway to Truthful Analytics
Over the years, people go for medical checkups resulting in generic medical records, and some investigatory tests such as x-rays and scans stored as images. People also suffer from different illnesses, undergone surgeries which would have been treated through procedures and treatments. These medical records could be stored in different formats elsewhere. Health records of… Continue reading Innovation in Healthcare – Azure Healthcare APIs
In this digital-first era, innovations using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are a key component of organizational goals and strategy. With its Power Platform suite Microsoft is enabling companies to build customized solutions to increase automation, collaboration, productivity, and scale without heavy investments. Digital Immigrants & Natives across industries are building applications along with… Continue reading Intelligent Automation Of Digital Workflows Using Microsoft Power Platform and AI Builder