MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2013: Migration using Database Attach Method

In one of my projects, I got a chance to work on the migration where we have migrated contents from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2013 environment with the huge content of about 40+ databases and 11000+ sites. We had decided to start the upgrade process using the database attach method as this is the only… Continue reading MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2013: Migration using Database Attach Method

SQL Joins – Mystery Resolved

Working with SQL Server was always a troublesome experience for me, especially when I had to pick up data from multiple tables. Working with multiple tables (Joins) was never my forte and used to give goose bumps whenever I work with those. I always used to feel like a tail-ender batsman, who is facing a… Continue reading SQL Joins – Mystery Resolved

How We Debugged Version History Issues in SharePoint 2010

We assist our clients with a variety of debugging issues, and one client in particular had a particularly troublesome one when migrating their document management system. They were using SharePoint 2010, and we had been migrating documents using Excel import files for over a year. At that point, we decided to switch over to CSV… Continue reading How We Debugged Version History Issues in SharePoint 2010

Large Scale Document Repositories with High Availability in SharePoint

Here’s a key thing to remember when you’re designing the SharePoint applications (Extranet/Intranet) end-user perceived performance matters, and SharePoint’s performance has come a long way, particularly with the new 2013 release. The new release boasts: • A content-first focus with active download management• Smooth page transitions with animations and a better download strategy• Richer and… Continue reading Large Scale Document Repositories with High Availability in SharePoint

SharePoint 2013 Search Architecture and Components

Search architecture contains both search components and databases; building this search architecture is highly dependent on several factors, including high availability and fault tolerance, content available, estimated amount of page views and queries per second. Search in SharePoint 2013 comes with a fresh architecture and powerful components, categorized as a Feeding Chain, Search Core, Query… Continue reading SharePoint 2013 Search Architecture and Components

Performance Impact with Single Page Rendering in SSRS

Recently during a discussion with eminent BI geeks at work – we had a discussion how SSRS allows us to display an entire record set on just a single page. Considering the amount of performance overhead involved in displaying this record set on that single page. Just how much would that be? To figure out… Continue reading Performance Impact with Single Page Rendering in SSRS

SharePoint Data View Web Part

This post covers yet another nightmare that I had faced while working on one of the “terrible” areas in SharePoint. Yep – this post will cover Data View Web Part. The reason why I call it “terrible” is not because it is difficult to understand; it’s because with Data View Web Part(DVWP), one tends to… Continue reading SharePoint Data View Web Part