Keeping Compliance on Point

With ever-changing national regulations, data standards, and complexities around preparing for regulatory submissions, regulatory affairs organizations in Healthcare and Life Sciences industry are convinced and driven towards smarter processes and intelligent systems to optimize costs, maximize accuracy and minimize timelines for the submission.

Regulatory Information Management (RIMTrack)

First AI-enabled Regulatory Information System Hosted on Cloud

RIMTrack – is a cloud-ready Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based new age Regulatory Information Management System.

Developed from scratch, its mission is to help organizations prepare submissions accurately and efficiently, as well as streamline regulatory processes related to tracking, licensing, approvals, regulatory and competitive intelligence, clinical trials, and reporting across global sites and stakeholders.

RIMTrack is designed to seamlessly integrate with various existing systems with data security at its core.

Solution Features

What RIMTrack does for you

Regulatory Information Management
Maximize ROI

Integrate with existing RIM system and achieve complete end-to-end management of regulatory life cycle process.

Regulatory Information Management solution
Speed and Accuracy

Stay ahead of regulatory compliances by enhancing speed and accuracy of the submissions process.

Regulatory Information Management
Reduce OpEx

Eliminate or cut-down all your legacy systems and streamline entire regulatory information tracking

Regulatory Information Management

Results You Can Expect

How RIMTrack benefits your organization

  • Enhanced – Collaboration | Data Quality | Tracking | Compliance Adherence | Consistency | Accountability
  • Reduced – Costs | Submission Time | Complexity | Chaos

Ready to leverage a cloud-based plug-n-play solution?

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